So, yeah, there's a theme this time around. Well, except for the first one, which I did before I got into the supers focus...
Myth & Magic is an update and expansion to the 2nd Edition of the World’s Most Popular Roleplaying Game. It maintains the tone and atmosphere for classic storytelling, yet cleans up and modernizes some of the rules with new and improved mechanics. We here at NHG started our gaming careers in the 1989 rules. We have tremendous love for that edition and that love is evident in the quality of the Myth & Magic experience. For anyone who has played 2E and enjoyed the countless avenues a good story and some good friends can take in a campaign, you will love Myth & Magic. For anyone who missed the 2E experience, Myth & Magic is a must-play. The 2E experience is unique and Myth & Magic does a great job of preserving that experience while providing a fresh set of rules.
The Player's Guide contains all the rules necessary to play the game through twentyy levels and beyond. Not only do we have all the standard races and classes, the monk class and half-orc race have been updated from prior editions (or retrograded from newer editions) to fit the rules system. Check out the preview of the Player's Guide to see the scope of the game.
After you download the Player's Guide, grab a copy of the free Game Master's Starter Guide, which will provide a lot of material to challenge your players in the early levels. The full GMG will arrive soon.
Ever wanted to tell your own comicbook stories, but possibly you lacked artistic ability? Capes, Cowls & Villains Foul is a comicbook toolkit, allowing you and one or more friends to tell your own tales of heroism and sacrifice, superpowers and masked crusaders! Designed from the ground up to emulate the narrative style of comicbooks, CC&VF is a game for comicbook-loving gaming fans.
• Create your own heroes using “building blocks” called Traits, ensuring that the characters act, perform and feel like actual comicbook characters.
• Link your powers together in awesome and creative ways.
• Be empowered the same way that comic book artists and writers are when creating comics.
• Create villains of all types that will prove to be more than worthy adversaries for even the most powerful heroes. No longer will non-combat-oriented masterminds be inferior foes to those who are more physically imposing!
• Whip up awesome C-List villains who continually plague and get the better of A-list heroes (until the end of the Issue).
• Your brash archer no longer needs to stand on the sidelines nickel-and-diming the cosmic despot while your allies wallop him with their super-strength.
• Fast-paced and descriptive action wherein damage is an abstract concept that can represent not just physical pain, but also frustration, exhaustion or simply being trapped.
• Villains designed to effective both solo and as a team. The rules ensure that villains are scalable threats for heroes of all power levels.
• Might your character develop rainbow powers for just one issue? Or perhaps your powered-armored hero just happens to have a specialized suit of “arctic” armor that’ll be helpful for an excursion in Antarctica. Or how about a hero whose comic has a new writer that alters his capabilities? All this is a big part of the game!
A man in crazy pajamas atop a skyscraper rains laser death down on the streets. He's laughing as he does it.
Below, fires bloom for the news cameras. Reporters duck debris as they yammer on about demands and manifestoes and terror.
Meanwhile, in the background, the screams of scorched innocents melt into the wail of sirens.
It makes me angry. My cheeks burn with it -- or that just might be from the wind.
The madman grows closer and closer, impossibly fast. His eyes widen as he lifts his weapon in my direction. He won't make it in time.
My hands tighten into fists as I brace for impact.
I have a set of crazy pajamas of my own.
Superhero stories celebrate heroism and "mad, beautiful ideas" in adventurous, stylish, and fun ways; Truth & Justice (T&J) is the new superhero RPG from Atomic Sock Monkey Press dedicated to just that. Fast, fun, and streamlined, T&J:
- Encourages the sense of freewheeling imagination and improvisation that suffuses superhero media.
- Offers concepts to bridge the gap between comic book stories and superhero gaming sessions.
- Stresses the importance of a hero's motivations, personal ties, and behavior alongside their more-than-human abilities in transcending limitations and overcoming obstacles.
- Focuses on how capable the character is from the context of a superhero story-game rather than strictly simulating reality.
- Emphasizes quick and flexible character generation.
- An exploration of superhero tropes. How to approach them to help get what you want out of superhero roleplaying, whether you're a player or a GM, and advice for using them inside a game.
- A complete game system. The Prose Descriptive Qualities (PDQ) System from Dead Inside and Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: the RPG has been refined for T&J, streamlined and chromed-up for superheroic flexibility, simplicity, and speed. Different levels of task resolution, suitable for any type of situation, let you detail the encounters that really matter.
- Three sample settings. Become the champions of Drakesville when its signature hero gets promoted to the majors in Second-String Supers. Navigate the twisty path between altruism and greed in the futuristic world of SuperCorps. Discover who you truly are and change the world in Fanfare for the Amplified Man. Each setting comes with adventure seeds and introductory scenarios.
What kid raised in recent generations hasn’t pretended to be a superhero at some point: worn a cape, “flown” around, bounced imaginary bullets or shot “blasts of power” from hands or eyes? Why not? After all, the superhero is the perfect modern fantasy: powerful, respected, and loved by the public, but with a message of responsibility, duty, truth, and justice that appeals to parents as well as kids. In countless comic books, graphic novels, cartoons, and live-action television shows and films, superheroes continue to thrill and capture our imagination while also celebrating some of our better qualities. Who wouldn’t want to be a hero?
With ICONS, you can be!
Steve Kenson, the designer of the best-selling Mutants & Masterminds delivers a superpowered new role-playing game, inspired by the fast-playing old-school games and the new generation of narrative role-play! Within its pages are complete rules for character creation, abilities and powers, random adventure generation, a rogue's gallery of villains, a complete adventure and all the superheroic action you can handle!
Watch for more ICONS adventures and supplements coming soon from Adamant Entertainment, and click here to see all of the ICONS products currently available from Adamant and other great publishers!
This book has everything you need to create characters and run super-heroic adventures within minutes. The rules are light and easy all you need are two ordinary dice, a piece of paper, and this book. Character generation is so simple, you could fit all the info you need on a 3x5 card, but we included a sheet anyway.
Do not assume that by simple, we mean incomplete, either. BASH! UE has over 50 versatile super powers, numerous skills, and even rules for collateral damage. The action is fast and furious, paced over a series of panels, pages, and issues, just like a comic book.
BASH! has undergone some changes over the years, with updates in Megapolis and BAM! and we have incorporated many of these into a single rules set. In addition to an expanded, revised version of the game, you will also find:
Updated to coincide with the new Second Printing. New Powers, Advantages, and more
Less record-keeping, more Awesome. Energy is no longer the "default" rule for handling powers-- so you have less to keep track of during play. Hero dice, Hero points, and team-work maneuvers are now a part of the core system, so you can really bring it to the bad-guys!
Easier to read layout, better explained rules, including many examples.
Character Archetypes: Writeups of various iconic superhero & villain archetypes such as the Brick, Martial Artist, and Blaster. These templates can be easily tweaked to quickly have a custom character!
Hordes of Minions! Fleets of Vehicles! Random Encounters!
Eras & Subgenres: One of the things BASH! Fantasy & Sci-Fi editions did was extensive work on the subgenres of Fantasy and Sci-Fi, such as Steam-Punk or Space Pulp. BASH! Ultimate Edition will do the same thing for Superheroes, enabling you to run a game with the theme & tone of the Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Iron Ages. There are also sections on Super Teens, Science Fiction, Fantasy, as well as Cosmic Superheroes.